Happy Valentines Day! I finally decided to start a blog. I wanted a place to share my crafty things with my friends and family.
The name "My Little Kumquat" came about several years ago on Valentines Day. My Hubby came home from work and told me about a radio contest to call in and guess the top 5 food names for your sweetheart. I rattled off the common ones like: Honey, Sugar, Pumpkin and such but couldn't guess the 5th one on the list (which was Sweet Pea by the way). After several clues and many guesses later I finally blurted out "Kumquat?" This sent him into a fit of laughter, which if you have ever seen my hubby laugh it is quite a site. It became one of our private jokes and he started calling me "My little kumquat". So it is very fitting that I have started my blog on Valentines Day.
See ya soon, or as my hubby always says, "I'm glad you got to see me!".